Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu Subtitles

Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu Subtitles

Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu Subtitles What about the unemployed and the people lying on the streets? Their. We have the right to grace. If they find such a job, Which protects their honor. They would not do that. (I.e. not lying on the street) We are about their work I think, so that they can give time.

Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu

Your duty is with me Assist in tasks. We have a lot of work to do, To stabilize human affairs. The city of Sabta Tariq I bn Ziyad will not be calm without entering the city. Didn’t we have a good plan? If Sabta is gone, we too will be lost with him. When Tanja was blocked. They didn’t get food or anything else. Blocked for months. Until his fall. And now Sabta. Which is to say, the last city where Muslims did not enter Africa.

Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3

If we can’t protect it, And do not accept the leadership of one person. They will also enter in the guise of winners. Shall we close the gates of the city? No. We do Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu  want to create doubt in (human) hearts. So will that be enough? We have a lot of doubt in front of us. Hey author.

Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu Facebook

Write to King Richard. It is no secret to you that we are Tanja I didn’t use any force to protect. Until its inhabitants are blocked. Their walls and castles could not protect them. So we were forced to hand it over. And now it’s Sabtar’s turn. Help, help. Before time runs out. Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu Facebook Otherwise Sabta’s condition is the same Yes, as has been the case with Tanzar. And if what we fear happens, No church will open after that.



Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu Youtube

No bell will ever ring. And none of our flags will be raised. You. Who are you? Answer, who are you? I am an envoy from Count Julian. I am taking a letter to the honorable king. Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu Youtube Give it to me. This map is no longer enough to win the Sabbath. Sit down. We need to know what’s going on here, inside them. Especially his ruler, a man of strong will and intelligence. So what do you think, friends? What if we are surrounded by it Enter the city acting as a businessman? We sell our own products and buy others.

Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles

Not a bad idea. will bring us closer to people. That’s why you are one of the door guards You have to find a way to get closer. I will do it inshaAllah. You are my. Find a job there. People will think . Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles You don’t even hear, like you don’t speak. And I. I will pretend to be a market seller. And every sabbatical for you I will know the news of the people. So what are you planning to sell there? Fish.

Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu Dailymotion

Fish and Nasim? Most likely he will eat everything before he sells anything. You are oppressing me, Shaykh. Well. Looks like we’re thinking well now. The city of Sabta Fish Fish! Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu Dailymotion These are sea fish! Fish! Fish! Tanja Palace They have a huge guard force. They change guards three times a day. They noticed, O Amir, the guards He has a large number of swords and spears.

Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu Subtitles Release Date?

They change there duties thrice daily. Julian is wary of anything. Maybe he’s scared Attack, or block it. Most likely what you are saying is exactly Shaykh. Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 2 In Urdu Subtitles Because we saw movement near the door and the wall. And you tell. The archers are stationed on the walls of the castle.

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