Teskilat Season 3 Episode 56 In Urdu Subtitles

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 56 In Urdu Subtitles

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 56 In Urdu Subtitles Torgut Sahib. Tell me, what is needed? You will take us to the castle۔ My property, and everything is yours, Usman Sahib But what is your purpose? Murmarjak will be the Turks from now on۔ Usman. Today we will dip the city of Anne in the blood۔ To our blood-thirsty Turks.

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles

He will be given, which he deserves۔ O’Din’s handkerchief is for the fighters۔ Lee deserves to be called upon. Our blood shed. On the blood of the Byzantines. Will not feel sorry۔ Everyone will kill someone who will come our way۔ We will hide in the city of Anne۔ Teskilat Season 3 Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles The easiest way to eliminate the enemy. Some of you will die on this path۔ Get fear out of your hearts۔ Be entitled to host Odin. Usman Sahib has no news yet۔ What is hiding and what is doing again۔ Allah knows, what will he bring us to trouble۔ But you know it’s your fault۔

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 56 In Urdu

That man will not let you get away with himself۔ And then he will join the war and the victories۔ – What can I do, lady? What could we do not stand with him۔ Usman Sahib is growing stronger and bigger on a daily basis۔ Waiting here like this will not be strong and big۔ Alparslan Season 2 Episode 36 In Urdu Subtitles He secretly does all his work without taking a breath۔ Now it’s time to stand in front of him۔ We won’t stand in front of them, lady. Usman, hiding from you and agreeing with Kafar again, who knows? What he did before caused us to suffer۔

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 9 In Urdu

See who gets hit now۔ I will go to the city of Anne, and go to her mansion, and talk to her wives۔ I will find out the recent trick there۔ Will do your job too۔ You will not leave the tribe today۔ Teskilat Season 3 Episode 9 In Urdu There is no way۔ What happened to all smallpox? I’ve got snuffed, don’t worry۔ Only you can enter۔ What really . What does that mean . Will it take all over the mall alone? My intention has changed, get together, we have to go back۔ Just come, where are you going? My servants were not allowed to come in۔ We just need you۔ Search their vehicles۔


Teskilat Season 3 Episode 56

Throw out all the stuff۔ You can’t find free stuff everywhere۔ Spahio . This is a trap . Attack . We have no wealth for you۔ Karaja is now ours۔ Will you compete Commander? It is my duty to protect Karaja Qar Fort۔ If needed, I would compete until my last breath۔ Teskilat Season 3 Episode 56 Are you OK Commander? Where were you dead . Go fight . Now I will tear your pieces in front of your men. Usman۔ Hurry up, tell Olov, Ferrag and Frody that Usman is here, run . They have locked Torhan somewhere at the end of the corridor, sir۔ It was not useless to come here my brother۔ Of course ⁇ will get him out of here۔

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 56 Release Date?

We will also save our brother and resolve the issue of Karajahazar۔ When you came to Constantinople, I was very respectful to you۔ But Olov was right, you’re not a friend۔ You don’t even know who is a friend and who is an enemy. You can’t deceive me, Mr. Usman. I will kill you and bury you here۔ This place is now my property۔ Who to bury? I will decide it too۔ Take this commander and put him in Zandan۔ Your death time is near, there is a lot of bleeding۔ You will save my life۔

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 56 Trailer

And when I get out of here, I’ll put you in front of the dogs۔ When the gates of the city of Contecion and Ferrag ini open, we will attack۔ No need to feel sorry for anyone۔ Teskilat Season 3 Episode 55 In Urdu Subtitles I will kill him myself after the war, who I have seen pity۔ Someone brought his ax back so that he did not have a blood color So I’ll stain it with the blood of the eight۔ You are brave my brothers . We will tear the hearts of the Turks۔ There should be no mistake۔ On the ground that someone will come to us against

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 56Trailer In Urdu Subtitles

We now have an idea that Usman is not dead۔ And he has come to occupy the fort, including his men۔ I don’t know how you got out of the hole۔ Teskilat Season 3 Episode 56 In Urdu Youtube  But Murmarjak is your be buried۔ You people have to attack the city without us, burn it۔ We have to move towards Murmarjak۔ Usman’s head will be separated from the manman’s head۔ This situation is not exactly right, where does this path go my brother? We never dared in front of them,

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