Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles He would not open his mouth somewhere if he fired at him So that means we’re close, Ghazor. That’s it, but they’re continuing their games. We will play bigger games than that. Convince Ophelia to come to the city of Anne. I will face it with kantakosinos. If innocent, it is in danger. We will protect it. So I will take the account from it myself.

Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 1 Urdu Subtitles

Olov will come to your land. I have given a contingent in his command; They are preparing. Although he is headed by Olov, the Magar soldiers are mine. Yurek Cikmazi Season 1 Episode 1 Urdu Subtitles I want you to welcome them well, Mr. Usman. They will find Ophelia. Who allowed you؟ Trusted our friendship I, Mr. Usman. Furthermore, Ophelia is our common enemy. This land is under me.

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Usman Sahib! I enter and pull my dog from hell. This land in which you are trying to enter. You are full of the bodies of Jess. Olov will stick to his words. And I will bring my daughter to me at my behest. When did you allow me to enter my city؟ If we are friends, you have to prove it. Will stick to your words, yes ؟ We need more than that. When you are talking about friendship.



Dard e Dil Season 1 Episode 1 Urdu Subtitles

Topter, make you building. And I will deploy “the person who understands the right” in this building. If you are talking about friendship. Dard e Dil Season 1 Episode 1 Urdu Subtitles User Can Also Watch Alparslan Season 2 Episode 34 In Urdu Subtitles So that’s how friendship is deep. What will you get from it, Emperor؟ The emperor’s palace is full of lower corridors. Those passers-by are full of devils. I will protect the emperor. No need for this discount. I open everywhere with my ax, the emperor. It is only between the big kingdoms.

Dard-e-Dil Season 1 Episode 1 Urdu Subtitles

Are you so big؟ If you are talking about “recent. So I’m so big that you’re my debt to your life. But if it’s talking about the past. Dard-e-Dil Season 1 Episode 1 Urdu Subtitles So I’m as big as Otilia who taxed your kingdom. And will see together in the future. Watch Alparslan Season 2 Episode 34 In Urdu Subtitles Who is big, will see together. If you don’t accept it, it means you’re checking my volume. Rome is here, Mr. Usman. You have to deal with me. I will open an embassy for you,

Dard-e-Dil Season 1 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Mr. O’athman. And you will open your land for Olov. It will take care of the trial of Contakosinos and Oktam. Will continue forever. And no one will take the test of the other. Because you did not give swords So I always shake hands with my moving hand. In the event of opposition. Whoever sends to my land will kill. Now I am returning to my mansion. But Kumral Abdal will take care of your health. When we are friends. So I will be with you. You have no place to run away from now on. We will talk. Mother!

Dard e Dil Season 1 Episode 1 Urdu Subtitles

We will not talk yet. First your anger will come down, otherwise we will hurt each other. We’ll talk, I’m saying, we’ll talk. I know you love this girl. I know my son. Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 103 In Urdu Subtitles And I see the place where it goes. This is not the end of the path. I don’t agree with this girl, Lord Timore. I don’t want to hurt you. But it’s heart, mother! Don’t listen. The lover cannot hurt his beloved. If there is love, they are afraid of the eyes.

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The dagger does not remove it and push it. That happened by mistake, mother. If innocent, then innocent. You will stay away from this girl. I will not marry this girl at all, Lord Timur. I’m saying: Trying to stop, he injured me, mother. If he was guilty, would I leave him؟ Will you determine his innocence؟ Spah Salar! You did not pay your stipend properly. Bring this boy to the fore of his scholarship, Aq Timur.

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Sir Timor! Don’t see me around this girl again. These are the last words for you. the best! These are really beautiful clothes. They come from Constantinople. Look, look, look at pampering and measuring it. Have you been to Constantinople before؟ Part of our game. What are you saying to the man, girl؟ I said: I grew up in Constantinople. the best! I loved clothes very much.

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All my clothes should be filled with these clothes. How much talk is!! What are the clothes؟ Capitol in everything. Like it’s getting ready for the bridegroom. Mara was also there when I lost the Nagan named Ferrag in the street. I don’t trust this woman at all. When Ferrag came, Mara also came. Ayesha! Sisters keep an eye on it. I have sent them behind him since morning.

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