The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitles, I strongly believe in Evdokya’s predictions. This time we will take the headquarters exactly as you requested, Dukas. Not a single soldier’s hair will be harmed. When we took that Kınık rag down from the walls I’m very curious about Alparslan’s face. Sir, Alparslan wants to enter the castle. He has an important matter he wants to discuss with you. May God forgive you, my Akca girl. Father My daughter, Akca daughter. Akca girl. Hasan, you go out, let’s open your wound. Girl, come and help. Let’s take it off. Have you prepared vinegar water? I have it ready, mother.

I have nothing to do with the job you are talking about!

Bring. A lot of blood has been spilt. His wound is deep. Refresh the water. No one for the orphans, the shelter of the strange, my Almighty Lord. Heal the white girl, O Lord. A long life that was not destined for his ancestor, his mother bestow the blessings of life on the Akça girl, my Lord. You have enough power for anything. We signed peace between us, but you didn’t stick to it. That dumb black Karmati you cooperated with you made your demons attack our women. I never understood what you meant. I have nothing to do with the job you are talking about. There is! Those who abducted you from our swords before and even Diogenes.

Did he come to the castle to say these things?

Those who rescued you from our sword that day raided our women today. If you didn’t, they did. You will give me your name, your place, your homeland. And as soon as possible. Otherwise, you’re a sword distance, I’ll take your head from you, I know. Who is Alparslan talking about, Mr Tekfur? What attack, what cooperation? I did not understand too. He must be crazy, bullshit. Did he come to the castle to say these things? If you know what he means, then say it, General. Or you say, Diogenes. The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitles, Alparslan told about the events that did not happen and since we’ve discussed them, it means that it has achieved its purpose.


Episode 33    Episode 35

He took her to his tent and saw her as his daughter

Do you know what I think is Alparslan’s greatest achievement? He knows how to turn everyone in this room against each other. It does that. How is my mother, is she injured? Mother Akınay is well, thank goodness. But there is an Akca girl whom he took to his tent and whom he saw as his daughter. His wound is serious. He grapples with death. Didn’t you bring a doctor from Merv? Come on, hurry up, get the clean clothes you can find carry it to the car. Time is short, let’s go as soon as possible. The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitles, This must be Akça Hatun. Take this to the car and I’ll get the Akinay mother’s bundle. Alparslan knows Bozan. That we are just allies.

Do not withhold your healing from this orphan!

So the truth. Will you hand over Bozan, your ally in the east, to Alparslan? Mr Tekfur? Come. Sorry. Among the injured Seljuk women was Maria. He’s in serious condition. He was under treatment. Keep me informed of your situation. Yes, sir. Before I give it to Alparslan I will ask you to account for what you did. I’ll bring a wick from your nose. My beautiful daughter. My valiant girl. Hang on. My God, do not withhold your healing from this orphan, my Lord. What is her position, mother? The blood still hasn’t stopped, son. Even if the doctors come quickly, even if they are a cure for my daughter Akça. No cloth left. I’ll go, find a clean cloth.

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