The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 2 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 2 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 2 With Urdu Subtitles Samurkaş play the other members of this task force who walk to their deaths without blinking for their country. The terror disaster changes the life of Lieutenant Yavuz. With dozens of people killed as a result of a major terrorist attack in Istanbul. Which caused great outrage in the country. The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 2 With Urdu Subtitles

Special Forces Team is being formed When the terrorist group.

That claimed responsibility for the attack abducts a civilian citizen as a second act. It is decided to create a new team within the Special Forces Command to capture. The leader of the organization and complete the rescue effort. As time runs out to save the hostage, Senior Lieutenant Yavuz Karasu,

Who is the Team Commander, acts at the risk of his own life.

The intelligence of the missile exchange of the leader of the terrorist organization. Çolak (Serhat Kilic), with an international arms dealer.  Colak is preparing a great action. Under the leadership of Commander Yavuz (Tolga Sarıtaş). the newly formed task force begins to fight to prevent this.

Dr Bahar (Aybüke Pusat) faces the living conditions of the villagers there.

The intelligence of the missile exchange of the leader of the terrorist organization, Çolak (Serhat Kilic), with an international arms dealer comes. Colak is preparing a great action. Under the leadership of Commander Yavuz (Tolga Sarıtaş), the newly formed task force begins to fight to prevent this. Dr. Bahar (Aybüke Pusat) faces the living conditions of the villagers there. As a result of the operation under Yavuz, there will be a great surprise waiting for everyone.

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