The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 12 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 12 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 12 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles, they told me that she’s dead He is telling me that Eylem is dead I don’t believe it Please tell them to let me see her. I want to see her please Calm down Avci We did everything we can but. Avci Calm down It wasn’t your fault. Come with me. Come on. Sir let me see her Come on. How. She was worse than we thought when she arrived at the hospital.

I killed Eylem sir!

How did it happen? How. I don’t get it Calm down Avcn Sir how can I keep calm. I can not keep calm Haven’t you told me that she pulled a gun. Yes. I saw her pointing a gun at that guy. She was going to kill him. The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 12 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles, I told her to drop her gun Drop your gun. Fethi stays away from this. Go Eylem Don’t make me do this She didn’t drop her gun sir She didn’t listen to me From where did you shoot her. Just below her shoulder, I killed Eylem sir Don’t do this to yourself You wouldn’t do it if you had any other choice.

Omer missed you so much

I trust you on that You didn’t do it on purpose okay. Calm down I am fine. I am busy. When are you going to come back? Omer missed you so much. It’s hard for me to come back these days. We are really busy. Episode 12 I giant May God helps you with that. Is that my dad? Yes, do you want to talk to him. Yes, He did. What are you doing? I was playing with my toys you.

The prosecutor is waiting for you

I missed you. Did you miss me? I did When will you be back. Soon. What do you want me to buy for you when I come back. Buy me a jersey Okay which one do you want. Number 10 Black White The biggest is the Black Eagles Baby, I love you. Take good care of yourself okay. I love you too. May God protect you. You too. Good night. Eylem. Avci Sir. Don’t do this Calm down You should come with us. The prosecutor is waiting for you. Okay, he’ll be there soon.

Go and give your written speech

Okay, we are waiting. Avci listens to me. Go and give your written speech. Tell them everything that happened. Don’t forget that you didn’t do anything wrong. Okay. Thanks, sir Mr Erdem is looking into this okay. Don’t worry okay. Come on. Are you okay? She was crazy but she was a good person. We became friends. I didn’t want this to happen to her. No one would.

They are just a few photographs And that is really important for me You could ask for my permission first Would you. No, Give that back to me You are a soldier Your hair is short you just shaved your beard. The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 12 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles, Your skin looks terrible because you shave every day. Is that your boyfriend? Yes. Don’t do it Wait a minute, thanks for thinking the best for me.

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