The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 69 With Urdu Subtitles
The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 69 With Urdu Subtitles Binder۔ What are the best in Murmjak, tell me? this is over۔ What is better for you is, be it better۔ But my heart is sad۔ How difficult it is is the subject of love. Love, so why did he turn it down? What does this mean to you, all smallpox women? If his feelings were not true. If he was running after me for his madness? Does he really love me? He should first assure me of my love۔ I must be assured, so that I can get along this difficult path with it۔ I said: You won’t meet him۔ And now you sit in my tent, describing your love for it?
Soz Season 3 Episode 69 With Urdu Subtitles
You will speak to me after living in my tent for so long۔ I won’t allow, all smallpox The shadow of this young man doesn’t even want to see you۔ Just, Soz Season 3 Episode 69 With Urdu Subtitles what do you want from me? Why are you putting so much pressure on me? What is the reason for this anger? What mistake did you see as Spah Salar? Isn’t it wrong to hover around without my will? But I will ask him, to answer this immoral act۔ Despite so much to me, it is still behind you۔ Listen to your ears۔ Think before you speak۔ What an immoral task,
Soz Season 3 Episode 69 With Urdu Subtitles Facebook
did Aq Timur? For the boy who met the day before, he is opposing his mother۔ Will not see this young man again۔ When found along the way, the path will change۔ Alparslan Season 2 Episode 36 In Urdu Subtitles I will see my wrath with your eyes.۔ Now we will move towards a fierce war۔ If we do not move towards the enemy۔ So they will keep coming to us۔ This is the battle of truth and falsehood۔ My strong hearty spahio. Now it’s time to hit the infancy in Kafar’s homeland like iron۔ Like the head of the ram, the infidels are made a homeland۔ If he got the fort.
The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 69
So many doors of victories will open in front of us۔ Our horses are on the other side. And our faces will always be on the west side۔ Tell me, Spah Salar, what’s the situation? Messenger has been sent to all kingdoms, soldiers are ready۔ And I have also brought the soldiers of Karaja Partar to the city of Anne۔ They are all waiting for your order, mother What are the conditions outside the city? Have taken steps there, haven’t you? Wearing our spies, shepherds and merchants.
The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 69 Dailymotion
On the outskirts of Anne City, Malhoun is patrolling the female That woman is like ants, never rest۔ See, he’s a hard-working ant. Or like Nagan, waiting to disense۔ The city without Usman, like a soldier without Zara, Olov. I’m going to see my friends now۔ On his small shoulders. There is a load of such a large ini city, unfortunately. We have the biggest weapon۔ My friend’s face will see the last time۔ Take their eyes out. Will fill this place on fire۔ Even in the city of Anne. No breathing will leave anything۔ I will receive my reward, and you will receive your right, the gift۔
The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 69 With Urdu Dailymotion
There is no place to run away۔ Your revenge will be taken and I will crown that۔ We will attack in all four directions۔ Anne will tarnish the city with a black curse۔ Someone is behind the gold, Hussein? We are going to Murmarjak for trade so that Turkmen can get rich۔ What is our sin, which you are cutting our way۔ Your sins, between you and Allah, are Binder Sahib Your point is on the head of the eye, it still won’t happen.۔ Come on . You will die too . You have a lot۔ Kill if you have to kill, don’t wait۔
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 105 In Urdu
Will not leave you in the hands of the infidels۔ Get back from here, I’ll leave۔ You can’t go anywhere۔ If you get out of here, your strength is not enough for this lion۔ You guys have fought very well . How can you guys cross these great walls? The walls would have fallen and come in۔ Yes . It’s not difficult for us۔ Otherwise, they would fight the stone۔ It’s better not to hit more shudding,
Teskilat Season 3 Episode 56 In Urdu Subtitles
so it’s a Binder sir۔ Your soldier did not give any importance to my ( share’s ) work۔ Your trade was quite profitable۔ The Turks found the area۔ If the Usman is ordered, I will take my caravan and reach Constantinople۔ The above lady is grateful to us۔ It became clear that we had to be in the sight of Usman Sahib Who will have to get support۔ Murmarjak is now our land . Where is Malhon the woman? Olgin lady . The city of Anne is empty. Malhon woman,