The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 23 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 23 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 23 With Urdu Subtitles, You can expect nothing from these hearty men. Okay. I have a very urgent issue to consider. You continue your research. Yes Sir. Spice? Can you come? Bahar, listen to me. We need A + blood very urgently. Is anyone injured? Or did something happen to Yavuz? No! We have to save an injured person. I guess he is on the other side. Let’s get it from the hospital. Things are not as you think. It is a secret situation. Nobody knows. Can even my people understand?

I will say that I was already there!

I understand. But even if there is blood how will it spread to him? Medications are required. Instruments are required. We have. We have our doctor. Let me come too. I will help you. Impossible! It is very dangerous. This is a marginal function. Okay. This will be my first time. You will have a problem. I will say that I was already there. Let me help you. Is the situation very critical? If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t have told you. Okay. I will go to the hospital now. I’ll be back in half an hour. Then we can leave. Be careful. Do not say anything to anyone. Do not worry!

When will he come to his senses?

Welcome. I could not do it, Dad. You did well, my girl. I was bad inside. He could not sleep all night, Come inside! How is his condition? He has a high fever. Other than that I cleaned his wound. But, I do not know if he will survive. Doctor! We need this man a lot. When will he come to his senses? I do not know. The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 23 With Urdu Subtitles, I do not even know if he will come to his senses. That was in his clothes. I could not leave Ali Haydar. I love him very much, Dad. If I am not able, I will go to him. I will ask him to forgive me. My girl, you did nothing to apologize.

This means that his name is Ali Haydar!

I will have to call him. That’s going to be good, my girl. She is probably his wife. Or it could be his girlfriend. Do not answer. Wait for a doctor! Let’s have some fun. Yes, please? Who you are? Who you are; Where is Ali Haydar? This means that his name is Ali Haydar. What do you have? My husband. Who you are? Can I talk to him? Sure you can. Ali Haidar? There is no sister Ali Haydar. The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 23 With Urdu Subtitles, Did something happen to him? Ali Haydar is dead. You; So nice it means. So good that he sends his wishes from heaven.

I will execute this girl journalist!

What happened? How is it; What is he doing? It is OK; Watch Episode 22 Here, They have gone on a mission. And Ali Haidar hung up his phone. Yes, Since you got tight I thought something happened to him. Nothing happened. I’m going to Carabayer, Dad. What are you going to do there, my girl? Will go. I miss you a lot. But, he had just arrived, my girl. Get this phone. Save all numbers and photos to this phone. After breaking the phone into pieces. Will we throw theirs too? No need. They are not so stupid. What are we going to do with the journalist girl? I will execute this girl journalist.

Where are our men being held captive?

Oh my god! I hope this is a lie. I hope this is a lie. My God, I beg you. Ali Haydar! Will we leave these men apart from Kollak? We’ll see. We will look for away. We have a very small amount of ammunition, sir. What if someone comes to get Colak? And we have to call someone. You are right, but not our people. Let us ask for help from Syria. Call Hamza. If they are close, ask them to come. Tell them it’s urgent. Do not tell them about Colak. Yes Sir, where are our men being held captive? I do not know such a position, I’m the designer.

Here the rights and justice are me!

Who knows where they have kept him. He turned out to be quite dreamy. He dreams of the day. Tell me the position of my men or I will not intervene. Do not interfere. What are you going to do? Will you make me speak with torture? It is not that it did not cross our minds. It will not suit you. You will not look good. Where are human rights and justice? Where are those who talk about rights and duties? They were left on the other side. There are no rules. And here the rights and justice are me!

Do you think you will declare freedom coward!

You are bluffing. I’m not. Do you know the difference between me and me? I have a flag. Turkish flag. You do not have a flag. And you will never have one. I hope you do not think that someone else will give you a flag. What do you know? Do you believe that? Did you fool these stupid men like that? Did you say freedom and that the other country will protect you? And you will be the prime minister right? Are you going to make a country with money coming from illegal projects? Do you make a country by making this and that round? Do you call it a fight? Taking orders from the intelligence department, do you think you will declare freedom? Coward! Let me tell you how a country is built. You see the fortress of Bakan. Spit. Take a look at Sakar! You will see the governor.

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