The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 17 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 17 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 17 With Urdu Subtitles, They said you could lose your diploma. Do not worry! We will handle it somehow. When are you coming? Where? Where will it be? Towards Istanbul, I do not know, mom. We will talk later. Well? What does it say? He says we will handle it. So will it be easy to handle? Very hard. Wait a minute dear. Do not be upset immediately. I am coming in! Come! I am coming in! Movement! I am coming in! Take it, man! Move this way, man! Movement! Go like this! Sit down. Beginner! If he makes a mistake, you know what to do. How is it; It will stay alive for now, but I do not know how long it will last.

But if they find that we have Colak we will be finished!

Blondie! If any of us die will die from your guys too. You, wrong, Colak. If the hair of one of us is damaged all of you will die. What are we going to do, sir? Will we not call Colonel Erdem? We will call him. But we will not tell him that Colak is here. Why; If things go this way, it will be complicated. Watch Episode 16 here, Our soldiers are in their hands. No one will want to return Colak back. We will leave two of them somewhere uphill. Our guys are not going to give it up. Never! We will not give this opportunity to Cholak. What will we do then? We will find a way to return our men without giving Colak. We will do it, sir. But if they find that we have Colak we will be finished.

Why can’t I contact you?

Why has this government-appointed us? We exist for such days. We will do whatever it takes until we die. You can relax! I will take full responsibility.  This is not possible. And are we different from each other? Together for good. I know this. I know. Can’t reach any of them yet? No sir. But I think they will get in touch with me at the first opportunity. Let me know as soon as you get news. Yes Sir. It’s deep in Alan. Sir. He is Lieutenant Yavuz. Yavuz, where are you? Why can’t I contact you? I got it for free, sir.

I feel like I’m losing blood!

What is the situation? My stomach is upset. Get well soon. Do you need anything? We need a doctor. I feel like I’m losing blood. My blood. Understandable. You are alone? We have guests. And our men went to the visitor’s place. Okay. Do not lose touch. There is no problem with that, sir. What happened to Erdem? The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 17 With Urdu Subtitles, What does Yavuz say? I will have to go to their aid, sir. There’s a problem? Can our work be without a problem?

Cholak could be after biological weapons!

You’re right. Okay. With your permission, sir. I came to you, sir. Karabak sent a photo. He was found among the terrorists who were caught. What is this? It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring. He has written “University of Mosul”. What does this mean? It’s hard to say, but Colak could be after biological weapons. What do you say, Yasin? You can expect nothing from these hearty men. The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 17 With Urdu Subtitles. Okay, I have a very urgent issue to consider Continue your research.

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