The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 10 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 10 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 10 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles, This way Yavuz Sir We are here sir Yavuz Are you okay. Come on, sir. I still have fuel on my clothes Be careful. Come on Hafiz Okay Okay sir. Come on Gun Are you, okay dude. Where is Cholak? He is not here. He ran away I guess. Feyzullahu. Hey, What did you do in there? A little surprise. Good. I like surprises. Then you’ll love this one.

Sir. We have to take her to a hospital now Is there a vehicle around here. The ambulance is on its way here. It should better be here soon or she may die It will be here soon. Come on Eylem God damn it He ran away Nice. Really nice. It’s destroyed but I think the engine is okay. We’ll understand that once we take it there. Tell them to collect all the pieces.

Don’t leave a single crew back okay yes We set the blonde on fire. And we took the plane too. I wonder what will be next. Sebo. Sebo. Bingo Sebo. Yes. Cholak it’s me, Sebo. I escaped. The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 10 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles, The good news won’t just stop coming I was just going to tell you the same thing.

I have the information. Nice. Come and meet me as soon as possible. okay, Doomsday is near. Is she going to be okay? Her wound looks bad. But I didn’t shoot her to kill Are you sure. I am of course EYlem Eylem we are almost at the hospital. Hang in there okay. Why. Why did you do it? Episode 10 You didn’t leave me any other choice Eylem I had to do it. Why did you do it?

Guys Thank you. You may go and rest now. Thanks, sir Welcome. Thanks, sir. Yavuz how are you? I’m fine thanks, sir. Sir is there any news. Yes, they should be here anytime soon. Yavuz I hope you get well soon. Dad. Nazli Sir are you okay I’m fine. At least I’m alive. What happened to you Yavuz. Cholak captured him, madam. What. How. Sir. did he do something bad to you. No, we just chatted a little bit. You don’t seem like you just chatted with him. Let me look at it.

You don’t need to Bahar. She should better check it out. They stamped him with a hot iron stick. We should check that out in the infirmary then take you to a hospital. I don’t want it. You’re acting as if it’s just a scratch Go and let her help you. She will help you with your wound. The Oath Soz Season 1 Episode 10 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles, My wound is deeper than that sir. It won’t heal with treatment. So. How did you escape? We resisted for a long time.

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