Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 In Urdu Subtitles How could you do this to the Ottoman Empire? How could you show no mercy to this nation? “The Sultan has been killed.” Extra Extra Read about how Circassian Huseyin killed Serasker Huseyin Avni Pasha and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mehmet Rasit Pasha. Give me a Tasviri Efkâr. A cabinet meeting started in Huseyin Avni Pasha’s estate.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 12 In Urdu Subtitles

The Crete matter came up first. Circassian Hasan was seen on the stairs with his military coat on his back. He said: “Don’t draw you weapon, Serasker Pasha.” and walked quickly. As soon as he leveled with Rasit Pasha, he fired the revolver gun on his hand to Avni Pasha’s chest. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 12 In Urdu Subtitles Mithat Pasha and Riza Pasha instantly ran to the harem door and got away. Serif Huseyin Pasha and Yusuf Pasha fled. Who wrote this? Who wrote it, Mustafa? Minister of Education Ahmet Cevdet wrote it.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 In Urdu

He was there during press. What happened then? Then a group of soldiers went to the mansion from a nearby battalion and they captured the injured Circassian Hasan. While doing so, one of the women in the mansion shouted: “Circassian Hasan, good job. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 In Urdu May God bless your hands.” We have to do something to get Circassian out of there. You’re right. Ruhi Pasha is also there. Then we can get both of them out with a raid, Mustafa. You’re talking about raiding the state’s prison, not going for a picnic in the park.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109

You haven’t even fully recovered. What should we do, Farah? Should we let them kill my brother? You’re right. You’re right too, but. They might have killed Hasan Efendi inside. They’ll kill him for sure if we can’t save him. But not inside. What do you mean? I mean that they haven’t killed him yet. They’ll slaughter the justice too, as well as Circassian Hasan. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 So they’ll raid the courthouse. Is that it? Shut up Good, good, good. Get up Keep your head up like that Well, well, well Good Circassian What happened? Did you throw up? What happened? It’s okay. Calm down. Calm down. You’re sweating, Circassian.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 In Urdu Subtitles Release Date?

You’re sweating. You’ll be sick. Would you like a towel on your back? Would you like a towel on your back? Circassian? Would you like a towel on your back? Are you scared? You are. You are. Circassian Check that out, The Mighty Circassian is coughing. Halal. All your beatings are halal, Circassian. Pashas, right? It’s easy to do it to pashas. Look. Look at me. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 In Urdu Subtitles Release Date? Should I slap you really hard? Should I get you on the floor with a single slap? It’s not possible to understand, my Pasha.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 109 In Urdu Subtitles

You’re impossible to understand. What don’t you understand, Pasha? This thing you call politics. I’m saying justice, but you understand politics, Pasha. My Pasha, this bandit called Circassian Hasan, killed Serasker Avni Pasha in front of us. Enough, my Pasha. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 109 In Urdu Subtitles He’s a human. He can hold a grudge, but you’re the state. You can’t hold a grudge, Pasha. Pashas, calm down I’ll ask you to calm down I’m calm, Rustu Pasha, but we’ll solve this matter in court.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 109 In Urdu

That court will hang Circassian Hasan in public to make an example of him, Pasha Pashas, calm down We’ll hide the fact that the Padishah is dead. Not a single piece of information will get outside. And we won’t hold different views among us. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 109 In Urdu You can choose your own torture method, Circassian Pasha. Choose Wait, I’ll pick for you. Wait, just for you. Look. There’s a skewer here. Are you scared? Are you going to scare me with that? You can’t be scared, right?

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles

A powerful man, huh? A pasha, huh? Right, I promised you. I told you that I would pull out your nails. Fethi Efendi, he’ll be put to trial tomorrow by the state’s decision. This guy shouldn’t die. They really like you, Circassian. We have to take him to the hospital. Teskilat Season 3 Episode 58 In Urdu Subtitles Okay, we’ll take him. Okay, go. We’ll take him. Go. Everyone admires you. They really like you, Circassian.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 In Urdu Subtitles

How can one hit this man? Here we go, Circassian Efendi. DOLMABAHCE PALACE * Did Circassian Pasha kill all of them by himself? * Yes, he killed them by himself. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 In Urdu Subtitles Well done. Shut up, man. Someone will hear it. Look what they did to the Sultan and how they’re doing right now.


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