Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 In Urdu Subtitles

Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 In Urdu Subtitles

Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 In Urdu Subtitles So? What really matters is who gets the goods rather than who holds the land. This is exactly why this new centre doesn’t care who parcels out the Ottomans. It’s not that simple. It’s still important who controls the Ottoman lands, but what really matters is governability. What do you mean by governability? What really matters is that neither the English nor the Germans nor the Russians should be powerful enough to escape from our control.

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This power should be equally distributed and be in our hands. So that they cannot resist us. While Europe struggles with war, America grows bigger. Yes, Cemil, you are starting to think analytically. It takes you just the snap of a finger to realise it but no matter how hard I try, I cannot explain this to Milos and other oldminded fools. Alparslan Season 2 Episode 11 In Urdu Subtitles Ejder, Akbar was sent here to destroy the Ottoman Organisation and create a new one. If the new playmaker becomes the USA instead of Europe, in a very short time the USA will rule the world.

Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 In Urdu

Thus, my and Akbar’s opinions and goals are antitheses of each other. He is the servant of the New World, but we desire the Old Continent to keep the power. Thus, this war is the Ottomans’ struggle for survival as much as the Brotherhood in Europe’s destiny of life and death. Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 In Urdu Then, what exactly does the new center in the US want? The only thing the center wants, Master Cemil is to simplify the organisations. I don’t understand. What do you think is the purpose of the Council?

Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 In Urdu Subtitles Release Date?

Eliminating the obstacles against the capital. Yes, exactly. The rest is only trivial but to accomplish that, we need unification. And the inspectors’ duty is. Cleaning the old and rusty parts and eliminating what is necessary in order to simplify the organisations. Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 In Urdu Subtitles Release Date? When I soon finish this design, I shall leave Istanbul along with Sureyya, Master Cemil. Don’t worry, you’ll be in charge of this organisation. How you deem it fit, it’s an honour for me, Master Akbar. How could you take it, Mustafa?


Alparslan Season 2 Bolum 38 In Urdu Subtitles

We persuaded him once even though he’d been determined for war. Persuade him once more. I do not think he will change his attitude while his ambassador is struggling for his life. You’ll find a way, Edgar Threaten him if need be Let him sit down at the table and ask what he has to ask there. Alparslan Season 2 Bolum 38 In Urdu Subtitles I shall try, Your Majesty. Do not try, Edgar, just do it If the Sultan opens the straits to the Russian navy we will be in great trouble in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Who did you send to turn himself in, Master Akbar? Someone who can die for us, Master Cemil. What did you do about the Russian ambassador?

Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles

He’ll disappear within minutes with a giant explosion. Oh? We’ll see. Come in. Master Akbar. Garbis. Sir. What happened? Speak. Mustafa busted the man we sent. You can’t even imagine what I want to do to you, Garbis. Get out Get out As you command, Master Cemil. What, did he blow it? I saw that coming. You get distressed in these situations you worry too much. Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles Don’t do that. Don’t worry. Come in, my Pasha. Come in. What happened here, Avni Pasha? As far as we can tell, he committed suicide by cutting his wrists, Pasha. It will be enough if you prepare a report detailing that.

Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 In Urdu Facebook

Sure, but I have to examine him first. There’s no need for examination, Pasha. Everyone here knows that the former Sultan committed suicide. Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 In Urdu Facebook My Pasha, I’m a doctor. I can’t issue a death certificate without examining first. You will, Marko Pasha. No. Don’t you trust my word, Pasha? It’s obvious that it’s a suicide. He committed suicide by cutting both his wrists with those scissors on the floor.

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My Pasha, I can’t issue a report this way. Then we’ll take the report from another doctor, Marko Pasha. Take it from whomever you want. So you figured out it was me, scumbags. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 In Urdu Subtitles If that’s so, let’s all die together. Salih? What are you doing here? My Commander, I’m really sorry. What happened, Salih? What happened, son? Tell me. My dear sister, those who did this to you will pay the price in the name of the Quran.



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