The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 75 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 75 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 75 With Urdu Subtitles, You don’t need to explain why you came. Never mind. As you can see, I’m quite fine. Nobody forced me to come here. How? I saw it on camera footage. They literally abducted you. Do I look abducted? Well, I don’t know. Didn’t you tell me that your father was looking for you and he’s evil? That was for making fun. As you can see, no one is holding me at gunpoint. For making fun? With me? Yes, with you. How? I was bored. I was looking for a little adventure. When you seem like a helpful guy to me I wanted to mess around. Melisa, are you okay? Is that man threatening you? Let me talk to him for a minute.

Do you think you and I can be together?

Don’t be silly, he’s my father. Why would he threaten me? As you can see, we’re having dinner with our family and friends. Please don’t make a scene anymore. Look, I’ve known a lot of men until now. Murderers, thieves, good and bad people, every kind. That’s what you’re saying but your eyes look different, Melisa. Wait a minute. Why do you care about me that much? Are you in love with me? Not at all. You are. Man, have you ever looked in the mirror? Well, recently. Look at yourself. And look at me. Also, look at this house. Do you think you and I can be together? You say so? I say so. Okay, come on. Stop keeping me busy anymore.

Go and eat your fancy meals at your fancy table!

Our guests are waiting. Okay, I’m sorry. Maybe I played with your feelings but I just did it. There is nothing to do. Let’s finish this. Alright. Let’s finish this. But you should know this, Ms. Melisa. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 74 With Urdu Subtitles, This heart is not your toy. I’m telling you this, so you wouldn’t do this to anyone else. Otherwise, I’ve seen worse than you. Now, go and eat your fancy meals at your fancy table. If I’m called Keshanli, I won’t bother you again. What a beautiful man you are. Ms. Melisa, your father wants to see you. We’re sorry. That’s how Melissa is. She likes to do good.



I’m going to kneel at his feet and apologize to him!

Then, she gets in trouble. Right, girl? Melisa. Excuse us. I’ll be right back. I’m sorry. God damn it. What have I done? Get in there now. I won’t! I don’t want your house or your table. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 75 With Urdu Subtitles, Did you understand? Leave me alone. What is that? Will you go after that man? Yes, I will. I’m going to kneel at his feet and apologize to him. You can’t go anywhere. If you step out of this house you know very well what I can do to that man. You are the worst person I have ever seen. Enough, Melissa. I’m tired that you believing your dreams are real.

You only care about yourself!

I’ve been dealing with you since the day your mother died. You’re not the only one who lost her. Is that so? I wonder if you have ever missed her. Even once. You only care about yourself, don’t you? I shouldn’t expect to believe that a murderer like you has a heart. You won’t step out of this house. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 75 With Urdu Subtitles, I can go find the man. Not only can I find him, but I can also ruin his military life and reputation. Do you hear me? I can. What happened again? I guess it’s your troubled friend again.




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