The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 With Urdu Subtitles Thus, the necessity to attend the conference is no more. Sending a diplomatic note to the Ottoman Empire is found suitable.” The answer we have been expecting is here. Then we shouldn’t waste any time, Mr Chairman. You are right. Ambassador Efendi, we’ve talked about this many times and you agreed with me many times.

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 23 With Urdu Subtitles

A possible OttomanRussian war is not compatible with either of our interests. You are right, Your Highness, but it is very hard to prevent it now. I can prevent this war by sending a telegram to the Tsar. Well, you mean? By giving them what they most desire. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 23 With Urdu Subtitles  Authorising the Russian navy to pass freely through the straits. Your Highness, we would not want the Russians to have access to warm water ports. Then do whatever is necessary. Your Highness, I delivered this to our Queen right after our last meeting.

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 With Urdu

The necessary pressure was applied and the Tsar was forced to attend the conference. As you are well aware, the result was positive, but. “But the assassination” is what you were going to say, am I right? Ambassador Efendi, we are not fools. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 With Urdu Sir. Cancelling the conference based on this setup assassination makes a complete mockery of us and is a total disregard of your Queen’s word.

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73

Do not let this happen. Everyone is prowling. Let me read you Bismarck’s telegram. Germans, God damn it I knew they were siding with the Ottomans “The spoiled desire of Russians towards your territorial integrity is being supported by the English and The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 French governments. Should a war emerge, we would like you to know that we shall support you indirectly with everything in our power,” etc etc. Ambassador Efendi, we do not want to open our straits to the Russians nor do we want to trade our partnership with Germany’s.



The Oath Soz Season 3 Bolum 73 With Urdu Subtitles

The importance of the matter is understood, Your Highness. I shall deliver your message to our Queen as soon as possible. There is one more thing. What is it, sir? Wars, ethnic conflicts and dynasty struggles in Europe provide advantages for the USA. The Oath Soz Season 3 Bolum 73 With Urdu Subtitles America’s strategy is based on weakening Europe. Today, the Ottomans and Russians may fight tomorrow, the English and Russians or the French and English. But all this shall weaken European empires. Indeed, Your Highness. I shall immediately inform our Queen. We must prepare for the war, Redif Pasha. The war is at our front door.

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 With Urdu Facebook

As you command, Pasha. I’ve already started the necessary preparations since wasting time with this conference does not seem viable. Let us speed things up, Pasha. Our army may not overcome the war, Pashas. Our army is in good shape, The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 With Urdu Facebook Mithat Pasha. Is it our Sultan and Seraskier Pasha who convinced you otherwise? I am experienced enough not to use someone else’s assessment of the shape of our army, Redif Pasha You know that very well We cannot know that until the war starts, Mithat Pasha. War is not some game you learn through experience, Rustu Pasha Should we lose, God forbid

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 With Urdu Youtube

, it shall turn into a storm that would wipe out the constitutionalism we want to bring and us along with it. I’m struggling to understand the change in your tone, The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 With Urdu Youtube Mithat Pasha. What do you mean, Rustu Pasha? You were the one who persuaded me into the idea of revolution, but now you concur with Abdulhamid Khan. There is no such thing, Rustu Pasha Farah, where is Milos? Where is he hiding? Talk.

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 With Urdu Dailymotion

It’s not as you think, Ali. Farah Talk. You are the informant, Farah, this is obvious. So you are so sure that I am the informant. I was there, I heard it all. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 73 With Urdu Dailymotion They said, “Don’t shoot her she is one of us.” Will you still deny it? Hasn’t it occurred to you that they may have done it on purpose? Isn’t there any possibility that they did all this to make you think that I am the informant? Farah How can you explain the last raid?

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You knew the place and we were raided three minutes after you had arrived. Mustafa. He thinks you are the informant too. Farah isn’t the informant. What? Head Doctor. Have you heard what happened, Leyla? Yes, I have. My daughter, please get some sleep. I know that your sorrow is too great.

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