The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 61 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 61 With Urdu Subtitles

In the Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 61 With Urdu Subtitles, desperation has become the worst nightmare for me and the people who are like me. We have learned to wage war. We have learned to fight under all conditions. We’ve embraced the rain, snow and cold as our warm brothers so even a single drop of blood of our people wouldn’t fall on this land. Now, a traitor tells me, You will die. You will die slowly. So, he wants to see my hand-holding weapon tremble. He wants to see me weak at my knees in the middle of the battle. Maybe I will die. The poison in my blood will kill me as they say. But I promise.

They bashed up all my men!

I will kill that traitor before he undermines this country: neither me nor my fellow soldiers, nor our people. We’ll never kneel before those traitors even if they have deceitfully injected a virus into our bodies. You wanted that. Where the hell is he? Were you looking for me, guys? Look at that. Oh, mighty Things are not going well here. They bashed up all my men. I told you to be careful. Leave them behind. Go and meet the organization for that trade right now. It’s too late. God damn it! Come here. Get down. Give me your hands Didn’t I tell you to be careful or you’ll get blood on you? Look. You’ve got blood on you. See? Where is Keshanli?

You made me kill men with a historical artefact!

He was performing sword-shield when I saw him last. Am I not from this team? The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 61 With Urdu Subtitles, Am I not from this team, man? Am I fighting somewhere else? Am I fighting in another city? I’m close to you! I’m right there! Right next to you. Look, just over there. But none of you comes and asks me if I’m fine if I’m dead if I’m okay if I have ammo! You made me kill men with a historical artefact. How’s the sword, brother? Oh God Just like a beast. Come on, everyone. Let’s take Behram somewhere. Get up. Get up! You punk. Walk! I’ll have this mess cleaned up. It’s bad news, Dragan. They’ve got Behram. What? Who’s got him? I don’t know. It can be the team that’s after us.

We can use little help from our friends in the region.

Yavuz’s former team. Behram is our most important man, Dragan. He’s our channel to the international arms factories and organizations. If we can’t take Behram back, those who want to replace him will clash. We cannot accept that risk. It would damage our authority in the region. Just send me the address. Took him from the hotel just now. They must turn back on Margaret Road. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 61 With Urdu Subtitles, You have to do something. You need to take Behram alive. I have a nice plan, Ms Nisan. We can use little help from our friends in the region. Dragan, what brings you here? I remembered the old friends. I thought I should come and pay a little visit. You never come just for a visit.

We also know your relationship with the organization!

What will you want? There are some people who belong to me in your region. I want to send my greetings to them. They are on Margaret Road. It’s risky if you’re messing around with Turks again. The tension between them and the country serves their interests. We may make the problem bigger. Why is it your problem? Nobody knows you. Besides, why do you mind it after you get your money? And it’s a significant amount. Here they are. Come here, come! Come here. I don’t know anything. You’ve got the wrong man. Behram, don’t try to mess with us. We know that you’re about to sell UAVs to the organization. We also know your relationship with the organization.

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