The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 60 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 60 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 60 With Urdu Subtitles, How are you, Yavuz? Have you got your gift? I have. You didn’t need to. You’d wonder what will happen to you now. Don’t even bother going to the doctor. I’ll tell you for free. There are terrible days ahead of you, Yavuz. You will have seizures. You will have hallucinations. And then you will die in pain. What did you give me, you? You will thank me. I gave you a new story, Yavuz. Who was it? No one. Are you okay? How do you feel? I don’t know how I should feel. I will always be with you. We will get over this. I’m sure there’s a cure. There must be You heard the doctor.

I’m not telling you to underestimate your enemy!

There’s no cure. I think this is a good story. What the hell? Who are they? Are you okay, Sir? I’m fine, I’m fine. It glanced off. I think you shouldn’t give up now. We can go to other doctors. I’m sure there’s a cure. They cure very serious things now. There’s no need. If Dragan gave me this virus, he knows I cannot fix it. I’m not telling you to underestimate your enemy. But you shouldn’t overestimate him, either. I’m not saying it to praise Dragan, Derya. I’m saying that because I’ve seen what a scumbag he is. I know. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 60 With Urdu Subtitles, I just can’t take up with this villainy. Right? Just kill me by shooting me in the head.

Can’t you stop thinking that you’re a dead man?

I wasn’t like quite alive. Can’t you stop thinking that you’re a dead man? Why? It’s not your thing. Desperation is not your thing, Yavuz. You could hit me this harsh only with a bat. Was it harsh? Sorry. That’s the way you are. We were talking about you, remember? We were trying to forget. You should also remember that. Forgetting is not a solution. If Dragan gave you this virus, he also knows what will happen. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 60 With Urdu Subtitles, I don’t think he’ll help that much. We can ask him for help if you like. Why didn’t he just kill me? Why did he do something like this? What did he tell you on the phone? Derya, I’m not in the mood to talk about this at all.

I can’t watch you die in front of me like this!

I ask only one thing from you. We’ll keep this all between us, okay? Neither my commander nor my team should find out. I’ve upset them enough. They shouldn’t get upset about this. Yavuz, this is not something you can handle alone. Let us help you. At least, let me help. I’m sorry I can’t watch you die in front of me like this. I don’t want. I don’t want anyone’s help and I don’t want anyone to get upset. Please. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 60 With Urdu Subtitles, Okay. But I can’t even ignore it on purpose. Let me keep the test results. I’ll show them some of my doctor friends, okay? Okay. Yavuz Karasu. You are one of the good soldiers of this country. Never lose hope.

I won’t hesitate to give my life!

And if you’ll die because of an injection of a, you can’t get away from me. Not again. I am always with you. I don’t know why but it makes me feel comfortable. Thanks. I should go now. I’ll call you. Sir, Behram is still here. Good. At least the arms trade hasn’t been done, yet. If he doesn’t run away We shouldn’t let him. Let’s surround him. Okay. On three. Three! Come on, come on! Just me against you all! This isn’t good. My country, my flag, my honour. As a soldier and a member of this glorious army the values that I won’t hesitate to give my life for. It’s not to die, seeing the traitors who want to wipe off the smiles on those children’s faces still walk around on this land crushes me down. While we were choosing this path, we were never afraid of dying because we’ll be proud to be martyrs.

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