The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 55 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 55 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 55 With Urdu Subtitles, Analyzing the police chief’s speeches the person he was talking to when I spoke is very big possibly from Company officials I consider it to be one. And again during the lesson, for Yıldırım’s delivery to the Germans tomorrow intelligence in the city of Montenegro, he said that he should be taken to his building. So, we will do the operation on the way, President. Guys, we can’t fight the police in the middle of Can you project the highway map of France to the big screen? Jack Carpenter.

This is a settlement between Paris and the city of Montague!

What? We need to investigate this man too. Are you also interested in it? Of course. About an hour ago in the police chief’s office, we obtained necessary intelligence without listening to the environment. Is it about the transfer? France. That’s what I think, too, Chairman. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 55 With Urdu Subtitles, I am the President. What’s the planned Space? Again during the conversation, the area of Fontainebleau was mentioned in the middle of the road. This is a settlement between Paris and the city of Montague. A noun in conversation. Jack Carpenter. And again, as in the speech, the police chief is a business person he calls trustworthy. And he owns a hotel in the Fontainebleau area.

Guys, start the preparations now!

Brother, what does it all mean? That means Hulki. People who need to take Yıldırım to Montague are in the middle of the road I am evaluating what they will deliver to the Company in a hotel. Say it like this, brother. What detail do you need? Do you know when they will meet? No. It could be any time tomorrow. Guys, the way to deal with this is clear. We will take Yıldırım without ever fighting with the police. Yes, as far as I understand, we will be the Company. Yes, Serdar, and we have very little time. Guys, start the preparations now. Come on. Where are my lawyers? They will meet you in Berlin. Falcon, Operator. The white vehicle carrying Lightning is moving.

I’m sending it to the whole team

I’m following. Okay, Uncle Hakki. I’m sorry, Sermet. When it comes to tracking. It means Uncle Hakki asked for mercy. Like that. God rest the soul. Rest in peace. We are waiting for the photos, Sermet. Understood. The photos have arrived. I’m sending it to the whole team. Space. Space. What happened bro? Is Uncle Right of Mind left too? I was stuck when I said Uncle Hakkı to Sermet. I differed. But you know, if he were here now, it’s your duty, son, mind your business. He used to say we’re all going to die eventually. Yes, that’s what he said. Don’t worry, Uncle Right, we are at the beginning of our duty. Who found this? Do I have any Jean Jacques type, friend?

We are waiting inside the hotel!

No. How will it be? Hulk, what should we do? Shall we change names, what shall we do? No, it’s not that, you know, you have eyes, you have a mind. What is Jean Jacques, the friend? It doesn’t happen this way. The operator is speaking. We hear you, Operator. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 55 With Urdu Subtitles, The vehicle that brought Yıldırım was on the road. Estimated arrival times are forty-five minutes. Understood Operator. Operator, what is your Kuzgun status? We are waiting inside the hotel. Estimated forty-five minutes. Understood Operator. What are you afraid of following? Shush. Do you think I don’t know what you’re doing?

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