The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 53 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 53 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 53 With Urdu Subtitles, He came to you on his own feet and asked for protection. He said that German agents were after him. And despite all this, even before the judge, you will give it to the Germans without removing it? There is nothing we do that is against the law. Regarding Yıldırım Koral, both German and we are in talks with the interior ministers. The decision regarding your client is still not clear. Now please leave my room. Don’t be disrespectful like that again. So be it. Only you know this. Yıldırım Koral is not just any human being. You will fall under this. What situation are we in?

We are awake in the police chief’s office!

Check the sound. I do right now. Is there anything? No sound. Just a very deep squeak. Don’t you still? I got the sound. The man was alone in his room. Someone got in and out. Beautiful. We’re recording, right? Yes. Beautiful. What situation are we in? Serdar and Zehra completed the meeting, Sir. Yes, they’re on their way to the safe house. Listening? Active Chairman. Right now we are awake in the police chief’s office. This is good news. Have you heard the speeches about Yıldırım? Yes, Chairman. Space.

We know that the company broke his pen!

I’m waiting for your reviews. Evaluation? Analysis. About lightning. For this reason, in an objective evaluation, it is very difficult for me to be found, President. But Yildirim the most obvious characteristic feature is revenge. So it gets its fuel from revenge. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 53 With Urdu Subtitles, If the company betrayed him, then Yıldırım’s We know that the company broke his pen. I think he will cooperate with everyone on this. So you’re saying it’s worth doing an operation? This is my assessment, Chairman. You say we should try it, taking all the risks.

You are assessing correctly!

Again, taking all the risks and your teammates You’re saying he should risk his life for lightning. Do you approve? Not for Yıldırım, but to reach the Company. All my teammates and I are dead for this, Chairman. Yes, you think right. You are assessing correctly. Congratulations. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 53 With Urdu Subtitles, You’re welcome, Chairman. This is my duty. Hi. What did you do, Zehra? How did it go? We will tell. Let’s change ourselves. Contact headquarters now. OK. Now. Has it got its tail tucked, Lightning? It seems so. He has great anger towards the Company.

He thinks the Company is screwing him!

We’re coming right now. There was great anger in his eyes, my President. What do you think, Serdar? I’m thinking of killing Yıldırım with my hands, President. That’s why I’m willing to buy from the French. We all want the same thing, but that’s not our topic right now, friends. Yes, I agree with Zehra. There was great anger and exhaustion in his eyes. He thinks the Company is screwing him. If we manage to bring it to Turkey, the Company can tell us everything he knows about him. Right now, I think all he wants is to get his revenge on the Company.

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