Barbaroslar Season 1 Episode 8 in Urdu Subtitles

Barbaroslar Season 1 Episode 8 in Urdu Subtitles

Barbaroslar Season 1 Episode 8 in Urdu Subtitles, I said never. Never! One of you will dissolve, the other will die. Are you okay? We didn’t talk. We didn’t talk, we didn’t say anything. I guess someone just couldn’t take it enough. Are there other prisoners besides us? They got very important information. How? How information? Andalusian, who ran away with his little boy. Job. They learned that he escaped and came to the Arab land. Is Job safe? If they find him It will not be too difficult for them to reach other tanks. So far away He is engaged in fishing in a small village on the edge of Lake Mary. Gosh. I thought you’d like it.

What would happen if you didn’t think about Khidr?

You’re going to die on your own feet, should I be happy about that? Master, step by step, I set up the workbench in my head. An intelligence that came to Şehzade Korkut also made my job easier. Soon there will be a great ceremony in Kalymnos. I will take Prince Murad out of that crowd. Not the key, but Murad. Also in the crowd. Is this the loom you think of everything? What would happen if you didn’t think about Khidr? Master isn’t the best place to hide in a crowd? If you’re going to do a job, secluded not when there is a lot of turmoil.

I told the sea to open as soon as possible

When is the ceremony? When will you be in Kalymnos? Erewhile. I need to open up to the sea as soon as possible. Yakup Ağa loved you as my smart son. He was wrong. The meadow wouldn’t be without a bush, the sea wouldn’t be without the sea, master. I told the sea to open as soon as possible. Be very careful with Pietro when you arrive in Kalymnos. He is a demon. Is it time? Have you made a choice? Barbaroslar Season 1 Episode 8 in Urdu Subtitles, Which of you is a nightingale and sings now? Are you? That’s it, you’re a hero bro. Is it time, Master Pietro?

How have you been my dear?

What’s going on my friend? Never tell your secret. I said it’s even more precious than your life. No one can be that low, that crazy. All this time you were tortured to deceive me. Did you play me? The hardest part was putting up with your speech. Goodbye, my friend. Is she next to you? Fisherman Eyup on the shore of Lake Mary. One of the napkins fleeing Andalusia. Ask and inquire immediately, reach everything related to the man. How was it? Same. How have you been my dear? Hungry. Open your legs. Hungry man. Zeynep mom.

The cure for this is found in the Frankish provinces

Tell me, man. Will this pain go away? I’m dying. Is there such a thing? You will get better. You will play with your friends. Okay? Let’s see if it’s that crowded. go. Your friend will be fine, okay? Don’t worry, go. Adelina, prepare water with vinegar and boil black cumin, okay? How is his position? It seems difficult to cure with vinegar and black cumin. I know this disease, they say it pierces your chest. It’s very hard to find a cure for it. Not in Alexandria? I do not think so. The cure for this is found in the Frankish provinces. It is a herb that grows in the Hudayinabit mountains on the coast of Sicily. Now let’s find a ship that goes there and order it.

We had an interview when he came to Alexandria to buy supplies

Too late. After the week is over, even a moment is too late. What are we gonna do? But I can think of a solution. st. I have a physician acquaintance at the hospital of the Knights of Jean. He is a very diligent physician. We had an interview when he came to Alexandria to buy supplies. But now in Kalymnos, near Rhodes. We have to go and get the medicine from him. Kalymnos? -You’re crazy, that’s there -I know, I know. Barbaroslar Season 1 Episode 8 in Urdu Subtitles, I know it’s very dangerous. But the only solution I can think of is to get the medicine from my doctor friend Giovanni.

Are the Knights of Jean doing me an injustice?

Sir, this is the information that you have suffered so much are things worth your suffering? Giovanni I like curious men, but not those who are curious about me. Well, sir. Since I fell into this pit of dirt on His Holiness’s behest since St. Your comrades in the Knights of Jean are giving me teeth. They think that I usurped Kalymnos Island from them. They are unfair to you, sir. Thank you, Giovanni. You can go out. Watch Episode 7 here, Diego, What do you think? st. Are the Knights of Jean doing me an injustice? Actually, they are right. Do you think he didn’t extort?

Achomora The rusk with onions is now gone for dinner

You are the only one who is honest with me. That’s why I trust you the most in life. What you said is true, but I misunderstood. What are you missing? That we’re getting nowhere with their incompetence. I made Kalymnos a centre and tied a knot in the east of the Mediterranean. As he tightens that knot, the Ottomans and the Mamluks will suffocate. Andalusia has already turned to ashes. Thanks to the power that that information will reach me, Cairo Jerusalem, Alexandria, Constantinople All will turn to ashes. Let’s see what’s in our destiny? Achomora The rusk with onions is now gone for dinner. I’ve been seeing onions even in my dreams, my brother. Şükret İlyas, we were not going to turn a lamb in the sea. Good luck, you come as if you’ve been hit, Gulleball.

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