Barbaroslar Season 1 Episode 17 in Urdu Subtitles

Barbaroslar Season 1 Episode 17 in Urdu Subtitles

Barbaroslar Season 1 Episode 17 in Urdu Subtitles, Otherwise, I wouldn’t want to step into this pirate land either. I didn’t mean it like that, you are different. You are trying to heal people like me. Don’t worry, I misunderstood. Here are the ingredients for the medicine. Is that all? Yeah. Then I’ll take them and go. That fast? On the first ship that will take me away from this island of Kalymnos, I want to ride, if possible. I was hoping you’d stay a little longer. I want that Sabi to get well soon. Understood. Will you write to me again? That is, whether the child is recovering or not. Of course. In this notebook, it is written how to practice. Let’s see quickly.

My friend Adelina was going to watch the bell hanging ceremony!

Let me tell you guys, God bless you. Crowded here, you’ll get crushed, play on the other side. I can’t understand how the Ottoman son could come to this state. God bless. Starting. A. Two. Three. This is the festival you can see and see. Take Murad to the castle. Like this. I was expecting to hear the sound of bells in the sequel. This explosion is not a good omen. My friend Adelina was going to watch the bell hanging ceremony. I have to find him. If it’s as important as you say, then they’ll close the port. I can’t go at all, he dies a lot. God help us, Zeynep. Prince Murad, you can’t escape. Catch that guy at the blacksmith. Look at that fear.

If the business is tough, the tariff will be expensive!

As if he is not from the descendants of Âli Osman. Behind us, catch up! Deh! Look everywhere. Find me that blacksmith. It’s over there. This girl. Sir, this girl is a Muslim. This girl is the accomplice of the blacksmith we are looking for. Catch it! What is happening? Leave. So you’re playing games against us. I will make you pay the price. I didn’t do anything, Barbaroslar Season 1 Episode 17 in Urdu Subtitles. He doesn’t know. He just came to buy medicine. How do we find out if he did or not? Walk. We’re going to the castle. This is not enough. What do you mean not enough? You will sell four or five bad slaves. If the business is tough, the tariff will be expensive. Take it, take it Esircibaşı. Listen to me well.


Episode 16    Episode 18

Did he say that at the inn the other day?!

I just bought you guys. I am freed now. If you want to be a free and rich man, do as I say. And earn more from the head dealer. Your task is very simple. There will be two hadiths. I would like to go to Lesbos, İlyas. What, Pony? Is it based? No. We also spoke with Despina. It has been years since Isaac Agami saw Khidr. The children grew up, we could not see our nephews. Last time, Kostas from Lesbos said Captain, Barbaroslar Season 1 Episode 17 in Urdu Subtitles, the new nephew is on the way. My brother was also in good spirits. Did he say that at the inn the other day? When he saw you, he kept quiet so that maybe you would get angry. No, why should I be angry? I am not angry with Ishak Agha.

She hopes we can even make up with him!

But isn’t that George? He didn’t give up his daughter just because he thought we were enemies. He was the one who broke me off with Isaac. What is the need for Yorgo to break up with İshak Ağam? When you say that I will open to the sea, say that Ishaq Agha the demon would appear in his eyes. Anyway, ignore Yorgo. What happened if he didn’t? Aunt Despina, you have been halal all these years. You teach right. That’s why Despina wants to go. She hopes we can even make up with him. Will you make peace? If it’s up to me, with the drum and zurna. But I don’t think he will agree. Good luck bro. Let’s go see our nephews. 

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