Ates Kuslari Episode 3 In Urdu Subtitles

Ates Kuslari Episode 3 In Urdu Subtitles

Ates Kuslari Episode 3 In Urdu Subtitles I will never forget this help. Grati is coming, including her soldiers. We shouldn’t look together, Barbados. Captain Uruzalov, search the whole house. Not long. Tell me all about this man before the captain returns. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m sure you sent him to the meeting four days ago and made him a spy. I just want to know how to identify it. Luna Khanum has no fault. My name is Khairuddin and you all know me as Barbaros.

Watch Ates Kuslari Bolum 3 In Urdu Subtitles

Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. Because I had to find out the talks between Sharkan and Prince Orani. Then you will be in the conqueror of Sultan Suleiman. I consider you Habsburg’s spy. Don’t understand what’s going on ؟ Watch Ates Kuslari Bolum 3 In Urdu Subtitles We have long-term friendly relations with the Ottomans. And this friendship has worked hard And some members can’t put him at stake because of the giant. Believe that those who trust the Ottomans never live in harm.

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Unfortunately, not all members of the Dewan understand that. It has been learned that someone else has replaced Kab. Now the situation is worse and prevent the barber. If the council finds you here, I will not be able to help. No suspicious thing Ates Kuslari Episode 3 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles was found at home, sir. Of course, there must have been any wrong news I apologize Luna Khanum. Disturbed you and Captain Gonzalez. No matter, you have done your duty. Don’t talk about the problem, running, not appropriate, commanding.

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The problem with planet marriage. In this case, we both know everything. Need discussion؟ How many times can I tell, son, why not listen؟ This woman, you or our family, is not worthy. You are currently feeling love for it . Mugger will soon be fired like a dust. Ates Kuslari Episode 3 In Urdu Release Date? And in a few days she would have been lying in a corner. Mom, she wants the baby’s good. Like intellect and thinking life. Commanding, crazy! I was going to die of fear! There is a pistol, and what will happen ؟

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The bullet is pushed and she goes out. Men without a woman, without ammunition. She has a woman who makes her work. That’s the planet for me. Curseed on this planet. What’s wrong with Shugufa؟ Understand, not love. For the first time in life, a woman is in love. Ates Kuslari Episode 3 In Urdu Youtube I will marry her. And you’ll know then, not to understand the son! No sir, it is not possible. It is not possible to go to the Ferroji Kalee command and get the prayer. Who said, go and request the prayer.

Ates Kuslari Episode 3

That man has left his job and come to us. Speaking to the Sultan, Florence will seek help. He can only be delivered to a high-ranking official like a bus command in the service of the Sultan. That is, you have to take Ferroji to the bus command. Relations with Baji’s captain have deteriorated. Ates Kuslari Episode 3 There is no problem telling Yahya. Captain Pasha has offered to marry Baji.

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So there must have been a reason to refuse. Well, now it turns out, don’t insist on going there. Brother John would not have helped his friend if he had been here. Take your brother’s words. Ferroger has been waiting for four days. No more can be tilted. Ates Kuslari Episode 3 In Urdu Facebook It won’t get better, sir. Pursuing, look back and step down. See, you reach the cloth. Sir, the planet is Khanum, we want to talk. Don’t wait, call right away. Sorry, it wouldn’t bother you if it weren’t important. Forgiveness,

Watch Ates Kuslari Bolum 3

God, how bother! This man, the captain of Florence, is Ferroji Afandi. Well, he is also a close friend ofuddin. Well-Duddin’s friend is also our friend. They want to do important, presenting it in the service of the Sultan. I thought you could help, so I brought it. Watch Ates Kuslari Bolum 3 Well, Mugger is a very popular thing. For example, to avoid moisture, drink in seawater. One day, my friend at the time of Aftar . Sitting on the table, holding bread in hand, waiting for the call.

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As soon as the call was concerned, the word put in the mouth. It was almost that there would be vomiting. Pasha Hazrat, the commander is in a hurry.  The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 81 With Urdu Subtitles You will help. But not everyone can pick up their mouths to the Sultan . Ferroji can get help if he meets Solomon. You’re worried about Maurice. What to do, it can’t be killed.