The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 81 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 81 With Urdu Subtitles

The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 81 With Urdu Subtitles, Some man answered it saying he found it on the street. And I followed. Okay, Mujahid. Okay. You worry about them. Sir, I’m glad you came. What the hell? Are you drinking? No, Sir. This is soda. I’m just upset. You all know my story already. I don’t have parents. I couldn’t have the courage before because I don’t have them. He couldn’t come here, guess I’m embarrassed. Son, what is there to be embarrassed by? I don’t know, Mrs. Guler. I guess I’m embarrassed. Since I couldn’t What was I saying? You were saying you got embarrassed and couldn’t come here. Okay. Thanks, son. Sir.

I’ll take the flower and the chocolates back and leave!

I thought and told myself I said, Atesh you should do it on your own. You are a strong, young man. Wear your suit buy the flower and chocolates and do that thing. Sir. By the order of Allah and the word of our prophet our son Atesh. I ask your blessings to marry your daughter Nazli, Sir. He really asked. He did it. Erdem, what are you doing? What are you doing, dad? Sir? What the hell? Which year is it? Brother, are you okay? I’m okay, I’m okay. I’m okay. Sir, I’ll take the flower and the chocolates back and leave. Wait, wait. I should have given you this slap earlier. I couldn’t have done this because I was your commander. But now, things have changed.

Are you telling me they threatened the girl?

I’m your father now. Yes, Sir. God! Congrats, brother! Brother? He’s in shock. Son, kiss your mother’s father’s hands. Come on. Look, he’s frozen. Kiss it. Congratulations. Come. Kiss it. From now on, you wouldn’t say you don’t have a mother and father anymore. I won’t, Sir. I won’t, father. Dad. My girl. Could your friend be a little naive? In what respect, Sir? Couldn’t he think that she might really be threatened? Sir, are you okay? Where did he come from now? He looks crazy anyway. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 80 With Urdu Subtitles, I’d better leave. I should find a pharmacy. I’ll come with you, Sir? No, mind your own business. Sir. Are you telling me they threatened the girl?



This is the only way we can take our man back!

I’m telling you to think. Just think. Why haven’t I thought of it? He’s a commander for a reason, man. He can think of what I cannot. He’s right. Ms. Nisan. What is it? Why did you call us here? I’m so sorry, Dragan. What’s happening? Who are these guys? We have to give Nadia to them. What? Who will you give me to? To the Turks. This is the only way we can take our man back. You must have gone crazy. There was no other way to save you. Dragan! Nadia! Dragan, don’t leave me! Let go of Nadia. Let go of Nadia right now! Now! I saved your life, Dragan. Calm down. This was our only choice. Let go. Let go!

I could barely make an appointment!

I won’t give Nadia to them. You will pay for this. Let’s put it in the trunk. Sir, I’ve got the caviar, I’m going to the place. Okay, I’m coming too. Be careful. Yes, Sir. Derya? Come with me. We are going to the doctor’s. Not now. I have something important to do. My friend had an accident. I have to go. Where? When? How? I don’t know the details. Yavuz. I don’t buy it. The Oath Soz Season 3 Episode 81 With Urdu Subtitles, I could barely make an appointment because she is so busy. She’s waiting for us, come on. Okay, thank you so much. But I have to close the shop. Come on. I found my own way because I knew you wouldn’t come. Derya, would you excuse me?