Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 128 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 128 In Urdu Subtitles

from that side. ‎Commander Maria, from that side, hurry up. ‎How did they know this? ‎I told them. ‎Then we will kill more of your men,‎ Luna! ‎Take a weapon shoot the one who is smart now you are in my fist. ‎Three of us are here‎ ‎, and you have only two weapons in your hand. ‎I’ll kill two,‎ the third will live,‎ but which two will I‎ shoot? ‎Assalamoalaikum, Pasha! ‎Wa’alaikum salam, Dervish Baba! ‎Do you have the letter written by Amin Chelby of The Madmen? ‎Of course, Pasha. ‎Did you write the letter? ‎For what did you take it?

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 128 In Urdu Subtitles

‎I knew Pargali very closely,‎ what’s wrong with that? “No, no,‎ no,‎ we made a mistake. as soon as we entered‎ the palace, they arrested Chalabi.‎ ‎There is gunpowder under all these paths, in the whole fort there is‎ a place under which‎ there is no warehouse these wali people will gather here now the fort in which the nobles are will fly away, yes? ‎Of course, it will fly. ‎You have lost so much mind that you will kill your friends. ‎We have come in these days by obeying orders,‎ that is why we are victorious and you are defeated,‎ afraid of‎ death, we are seeking martyrdom,‎ that is‎ why we are victorious‎ and you are defeated,‎

but I have full faith in‎ the nobleman. Prepare everything, in the evening will explode in the castle. ‎The nobles are inside, yet they will explode, yes? ‎Bulbul bhai! These are the orders of the nobleman. ‎Luna! It turns out that you are also looking for a map. ‎I’ll tell you everything, Barbaros. ‎You’ll tell and pay the price.‎ Come on. ‎I will tell you everything time is tight I can’t go to war from here, this place is surrounded by soldiers Now I will remove the people inside you will stay here and bring the map to me. ‎Maria knows about the map. ‎High! Win his trust. ‎But she won’t trust me. ‎If you save his life,

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 128 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles

I have a plan.‎ You will follow this plan.‎ Look, after everything is over, when you bring me a map, we will calculate. ‎All right,‎ listen, Luna,‎ I don’t know what you want and what you’re trying to do,‎ but remember that if you bring the map, you’ll‎ win my confidence again. Alparslan Season 2 Episode 57 In Urdu Subtitles ‎Kill,‎ kill. ‎May Allah strengthen your sword. ‎I don’t know what will happen behind the door if it breaks. ‎Not only the horsemen will come, but the people will also be ahead of them,‎ just let our swords be strong. ‎Kill. ‎There are about to break, this door will no longer bear. The‎ door is about to open, Command Kush Pasha. ‎Come on, Sayyid Ali! ‎eliminate them. ‎Come on. ‎



Kurulus Osman Episode 128 In Urdu Subtitles

Everyone listen to me well.What place are you talking about? ‎About the grave. ‎Bismillah! Wait,‎ wait, and if you hear‎ the sound of a sword, everyone will‎ die. ‎Commander Kush Pasha! Go with Sharkan Sayyid Ali! Go with Luna. ‎Reis! ‎Do what I’m saying, follow me.‎ If you do a single move, I’ll blow my head. ‎Do what he says. ‎Give way let’s go. ‎I can forgive you. I didn’t do anything to apologize. “What are you, you betrayed‎ me, betrayed the President, betrayed your Sultan, not in my line on the‎ battlefield, but in the line of traitor? ‎Chelby was not a traitor. ‎

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 128 Urdu

He tried to threaten me with my future and power don’t you know the situation by which he put me at war? ‎Removed him from his position, stopped? The soldiers asked, did he give me? ‎He did not obey my orders, and showed shamelessness. Spies didn’t want to come. Stop the nonsense I am asking for the last time where is the letter written for the Sultan? ‎I don’t know. ‎You will sacrifice your life for the traitor. ‎We did right by relying on the Turks. ‎This fort will be conquered sooner or later.‎ The Turkish flag will be hoisted on the towers of this fort.