Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 113 In Urdu

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 113 In Urdu

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 113 In Urdu Sultan. I studied for many years in the school of politics. You have to experience it. For example, tell me why we handed the weapons over to Zaharoff? The weapons belong to Zaharoff. We could have said we have no weapons. But we delivered the weapons to his boat. So he understands that illegal weapon cannot be sold in this state. Back to your duty. Brother.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 15 In Urdu

Wait for me here. Peace be upon you. And upon you. Pig remains have been polluting the streets for the past few days. No one tends to pigs but you around here. I tend to pigs for the nonMuslims. Have you sold a large quantity of pigs lately? A oneeyed man came. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 15 In Urdu He bought many pigs. Do you know this man? Do you know anything about him? Does he come here often? He came by a couple of times. I hadn’t seen him before. Did you ask him.why or for whom he bought all these pigs?

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 113 In Urdu

We don’t ask such questions here. Now we understand. The sign I left on his face exposes him everywhere. Goodbye. Goodbye. Any information? That dog Hiram. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 113 In Urdu He came here and bought some pigs. I’ll bury him with the pigs. Come in. Welcome, dear. Come. Come Fehime. I have important news for you. Really? What is the important news? Aunt Seniha came today. She spoke with my sister. What did they speak about?

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 113  Facebook

The intimacy between Kemalettin Pasha and Hatice Sultan has progressed. They spoke about marriage. Marriage? Yes. Come, dear. Sit next to me. Aunt Seniha wanted to take their marriage upon herself. She said she would take care everything. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 113 In Urdu Facebook Look at your aunt Seniha. She laid down a condition. Would Seniha Sultan.do anything outside her interests. What is her condition? She had my sister promise her to delay the engagement for a while. So that Makbule and Sebahattin’s marriage will be delayed. She said this would prevent you from achieving your goal. She knows the traditions of the palace.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 113 In Urdu Youtube

It is appropriate to solemnize two weddings at once. Delaying a marriage will delay the other and buy Seniha Sultan some time. That’s her wish, Sultana. I will not sacrifice the happiness of my brother and my son.for Seniha Sultan’s desires. Saffet? Yes, Pasha. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 113 Youtube I’ll ask you to do something, but do it exactly as I say. What is my reward? If you do everything appropriately.we’ll go out and do sleuthing on the streets. Really? Can I be a spy? Sure. You are a brave man. You are also clever. At last, someone recognized my skills. Tell me, Pasha. I am your man. It’s a deal. Naime Sultan fell ill. I want you to take her a present.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 113 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles

Of course, she will receive it once she recovers. Don’t be curious and open it. Saffet knows that a spy should keep secrets. What’s in it? You weren’t going to ask. A vinyl, but don’t open it anyway. Soldiers.start loading. As you command! Come, I need to speak to you. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 113 Trailer In Urdu I did something. I have to consult you. I did something, but I don’t know whether it’s right or wrong. Celal, calm down and tell me.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 113 In Urdu Release Date?

Naime Sultan. I love Naime, Kemalettin. Oh my, oh my, Brother. I gathered my courage and sent her a present. With the present, I wrote a letter.expressing my feelings. This is great. But what if I did something wrong? She is the almighty Sultan’s daughter. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 113 In Urdu Release Date? I revealed my identity. Don’t worry, Brother. How can I do that? I am just a simple captain. Can I be worthy of Naime? Simple? Stop there. Dear Brother. Do you think you are an ordinary captain? You fulfil the most important tasks our Sultan assigns you.

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What is a pasha, Celal? Which Pasha has served as you have? I am ashamed, Pasha. Relax. Never mind. If I don’t receive a positive response from Naime. I’ll leave. Celal. Why are you upset for what hasn’t happened? Let’s go and fulfil our duty adequately. Teskilat Season 3 Episode 61 In Urdu Subtitles When we return, we will see about it. You are right. You don’t have to come. We’ll leave the weapons and return. No way. We’ll go together.