Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles, It was the wisest move against Charles V. I can’t say anything about giving the money to save your son. However, you cannot leave the Cognac League and go to Charles’ side. Don’t you understand that I have to? We also realize that he understands. You seem to have failed to realize that you were an ally of Sultan Suleiman. Our Sultan wants us to be united against Charles, not against him. This does not mean that I will join Charles. I can be neutral. It is dishonorable to be neutral where there is oppression. While our Sultan has mobilized so much to save you you can’t do this dishonor to him.

Henry was imprisoned in his palace!

Do you have a son, Barbarossa? There is. So I’m not asking you as a king but as a father. What would you do if you were in my place? I would not leave my child as a hostage in the hands of that scoundrel. What are we doing king? Tell me, what did you do to Fransuva? Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles, As you said, we prevented his duel with Charles V. But Charlemagne, François’s youngest son, Henry was imprisoned in his palace. It is for this reason that François ended his alliance with you and considering to pledge allegiance to Charles. This is the son. The light in this world lasts in the hereafter. I have a way to end this deadlock, my Sultan. What is this remedy?

I have to ask the architect Domien for an excuse!

I can kidnap Henry from Charles V’s palace, my Majesty. Even if you enter Charlemagne’s palace, getting out of there with the child is a big deal. I can sneak in and out without fighting with soldiers, Hünkar. If you allow. Don’t you also have a custom of knocking on the door? I need plans for the Coudenberg Palace. And quickly. If it happens today, it would be very helpful. I don’t want to ask why. I will not ask. Dont ask. Tell me if you can find it. Yes. A few years ago, due to a fire, I remember it was renovated. I have to ask the architect Domien for an excuse. Want it then? You could at least say thank you. Lieutenant, that’s the job of that clerk Lomellino.


If you can’t prove it, we’ll both be burned!

Are you sure you were put to sleep, Juan? Look at it. Every time I drink the drink he brought me, I get into an unbearable sleep. Then when I come to myself, when I sober up I see that one of my birds is missing. Well? So? Unbeknownst to our king, he and his master Batista are sending a letter somewhere. Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles, These are very serious accusations, Juan. If you can’t prove it, we’ll both be burned. There is no harm in raising our suspicions about Lord Chievres. But think about it. Think of the reward we’ll get if I’m right. Well. But first, let’s record what you said. Come with me. Wait, double doves. Are you going to stop me with a broken jug? Come here.


Major Rodrigez! Enclose the child in the northern cellar!

A shot of respect for our king! Fire! Welcome, Charles. I hope everything went well. Not very well, my Queen. What happened? Then I will tell. Major Rodrigez! Enclose the child in the northern cellar. Ambassador Batista. Yes, majesty. As the arbiter of the duel, I’m wondering what you will write. Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles, The truth, of course. What are those facts? Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 8 In Urdu Subtitles, François cheating that he insulted you with his soldiers. Ambassador Batista, You are slowly gaining my friendship. And tüizzü men teşâ and tüzillü men teşâ. Allah honors whom He wills and humiliates whom He wills.

Instead of living with this shame, I would die on duty!

Amenna, but boy, that means going to death in plain sight. If we don’t bring the child Fransuva left the Ottoman Empire and became an ally with Charles V. Even that, if I can’t do anything I would not be able to do the duty of our sultan. Instead of living with this shame, I would die on duty, much better.  Even though we go to Marseille’s place until this Luna comes if we can fill our stomachs like this. I’ve never seen a man who is as arrogant as you in my life. Why do you say so? Besides, Dervish gets to taste the stew. What stew? Gavur stew. But do not be afraid, there is no evil in you. Well, they make such good lamb meat Such a limp, boneless I got the plan.