Ates Kuslari Episode 5 In Urdu Subtitles

Ates Kuslari Episode 5 In Urdu Subtitles

Ates Kuslari Episode 5 In Urdu Subtitles, Will there ever be a child of the street? Children’s street becomes where they play. But you will not take us to any game. We learned the separation before the game. We reach out and hope to hold on. But you’re cold, you can’t wrap. We freeze, you do not look. we die. You don’t. We are born, and you throw it away. We both spend and spend. You would think he attacked us. However, we are broken. I became a murderer. I became a murderer. Saleh. what did you do retard? The baby’s mother was protecting you from you, it happened accidentally.

But you’re cold, you can’t wrap!

Get out of here, Sabit, give me that baby. Look at me, give me that baby. Give me that kid, give me that baby Give me that baby! Give me that baby. Ahmet, give me that baby, give me. Run away! Come on. Run away! Ali! Ates Kuslari Episode 5 In Urdu Subtitles, Fast. Come on come on. Quickly, quickly. Come on, fast. Come on. Black come on, Black. Come on. Come on Black. Still. Mine. Mine. OK, yours. Give me the baby and go to the other side. I’ll give it back, come on. come here. Ali! Come on come on. Come on Mercan. Fast. Coral! Ali, come here! Come on fast. Come on. Leave.

The girl came and slept in the frost with a thin blanket!

I got the girl, what are you going to do? I got the girl. Ali! What will you do? Leave it! Ali! Ali! Leave. Leave. Come on, late. Fast. Take the baby. Come here. Come here. Leave. Come where are you going, come here. Leave. Leave. Come here, come. Where are you going, come here. Get down. Come on, come on. Come on. Ates Kuslari Episode 5 In Urdu Subtitles, Come here, you can’t escape from me. I will find you. If I can’t find you, Ayaz will find you, Ayaz. You’re all going to die like a girl frozen on that mat. Come here, Mercan. The plague is on your neck, Coral. Ali. He’s gone.

Mercan that the walls and ceilings were no longer pressing!

To where? Here he said, gone. Is that all? Didn’t Virgo say anything? No, he first put one in my mouth. First, it was put in my mouth. He said to Mercan that the walls and ceilings were no longer pressing. The girl came and slept in the frost with a thin blanket, you didn’t know, she said. Then he said whatever came to his mind. He painted the plaster, kept me on guard like this, and left. Why did he put the coat on me? To keep your conscience cold? Ya ca Cano. Hop. The cat got the liver. I am sick, there is no bread for those who do not go to work and go to bed, my son, do you understand?



It’s been a fruitful harvest of refugees this time!

When the others come back from work, close it somewhere so that it does not infect the others. Okay, brother. Fork bro. Son, did you cross the border, what did you do? I passed bro, I passed. I loaded the goods on the truck, I’m coming. I’m in Istanbul tomorrow. Ates Kuslari Episode 5 In Urdu Subtitles, It’s been a fruitful harvest of refugees this time, boss. All of the brats are trashes grapes. No passport, no ID. Good good, good. Pamir I found the trail of the rootless, son. What? Really? Of course. All right, of course. Come quickly Pamir, come quickly.